
Last Saturday, I met a young, successful Vietnamese-American couple at a birthday party. She’s a doctor and he’s a dentist. I gave them props: “A doctor and a dentist, that’s the best of both worlds.” They, individually, replied, “It is not worth it.” That was very humble of them, but I had to ask why it isn’t worth it.

The dentist replied, “Well, you have to deal with abnormal people everyday.” I was taken aback. I joked, “Your patients are abnormal? I only sought out a dentist when I had teeth issues, not mental health issues.” Then I followed up with a serious question, “How are they not normal?” He was a bit irritated, but replied, “They keep questioning my service.” I shot back, “Nothing’s wrong with that. If you are going to charge me $10,000 to work on my teeth, you better break down all the details of what type of service you will provide.”

The dentist’s aunt who overheard me saying “$10,000” accused me of “belittling them.” I was shocked. No wonder these young Vietnamese-American kids are so fragile even though they have become doctors and dentists. They always have some adults hovering them.

I knew it was time to drop the conversation. I had never met any dentist and doctor who had such disdain for their profession. If you can’t deal with people to help improve their health then you should get the fuck out.

Race Has No Place In Education

I strongly agree with the conservative justices on college admissions. Race should not play a role in education. All kids deserve an equal opportunity. They can’t be discriminated for their race. What Harvard had done to Asian-American students was discrimination and shameful. By helping one race and hurting another, Harvard has put an end to affirmative action.

The admissions processes at George Mason University have not considered race as a factor since 2007. Read the university’s statement regarding the Supreme Court’s decision on college admissions.

The American Dream

In his Pulitzer Prize winning memoir, Stay True, Hua Hsu writes (p.15):

Opium Wars devastated southeastern China, right around the time when cheap labor was needed in the American West. In the 1840s and 1850s, shiploads of Chinese men left the war-torn Guangdong province for the U.S., lured by promises of work. They laid railroad tracks, mined gold, and went wherever they were needed. Yet this was the limit of their mobility. Sequestered in the cities’ most run-down districts by byzantine legal codes and social pressure-and without the means (and sometimes desire) to return home-they began building self-sustained Chinatowns to feed, protect, and care for one another. By the 1880s, the American economy no longer needed cheap foreign labor, resulting in exclusionary policies that limited Chinese immigration for decades.

These dynamics of push and pull were still in play when the Immigration Act of 1965 relaxed restrictions on entry from Asia, at least for people who might have something concrete to contribute to American society. There was a perception among policy makers that America was losing the science and innovation side of the cold war, so the country welcomed grad students like my parents. And who knew what the future held in Taiwan? In the New World, things seemed in a constant ascent. My parents weren’t drawn to the United States by any specific dream, just a chance for something different. Even then, they understood that American life is unbounded promise and hypocrisy, faith and greed, new spectrums of joy and self-doubt, freedom enabled by enslavement. All of these things at once.

Withheld National Merit Awards From Asian-American Students

Seventeen high schools in Virginia withheld National Merit awards impacting Asian-American students. According to Fairfax County Times, “an estimated 75 percent of National Merit Semifinalists—a notch above Commended Students—are of Asian heritage.” This is absurd. This type of shits makes me want to vote for Republicans and Youngkins.

Merriam-Webster Misdefines Bánh Mì

Merriam-Webster defines bánh mì as:

a usually spicy sandwich in Vietnamese cuisine consisting of a split baguette filled typically with meat (such as pork or chicken) and pickled vegetables (such as carrot and daikon) and garnished with cilantro and often cucumbers

Bánh mì simply means baguette. What Merriam-Webster describing is bánh mì thịt, which translates as baguette with meat.

Less Asian

Amy Qin, writing for The New York Times:

Many families still seek out professional advice. In interviews, college admissions consultants spoke about trying to steer their Asian American clients away from so-called typically Asian activities such as Chinese language school, piano and Indian classical instruments like the venu flute.

Maybe we should save money by not sending our kids to piano private lesson. Qin writes:

Many consultants said that, when it came to elite college admissions, it was not enough to just be a well-rounded student. Differentiation is the name of the game, regardless of race.

Part of the problem, some college consultants say, is that there are kernels of truth in the stereotypes of Asian applicants. Within the communities, violin and piano are, in fact, oversubscribed activities, the consultants say, making it difficult for most students to stand out.

“I often tell families that instead of playing violin or piano, which is something almost every Chinese American can check off on their profile, try a different instrument,” said Shin Wei, the founder and chief executive of IvyMax, an admissions counseling company based in California.

Sure, how about trying different sports like rollerblading or skateboarding. Qin reports:

Lap Nguyen, 20, a junior at Harvard, had also leaned into generational themes, writing about his love for the language of his birth country, Vietnam, and his experience teaching that language to his little brother.

I am glad Lập Nguyễn wrote about his love for Vietnamese and was accepted to Harvard.

Patterns of Hate in Asian American History

Professor Dana Y. Nakano, writing for The Rafu Shimpo:

The persistent visible racial difference of Asian Americans and its associated assumptions of forever foreignness, disloyalty, and non-belonging can so easily become an outward trigger for violence and hate at any moment. Anti-Asian sentiment and violence are racism. Knowing our history helps put this into perspective.

The entire article is a must-read.

A Black Man Who Attacked an Asian Woman was Sentenced to 17.5 Years in Prison

Tammel Esco, a 42-year-old Black man, was charged with second-degree attempted murder after he punched a 67-year-old Asian American woman more than 100 times, stomped on her seven times, spat on her, and cursed at her. The attack was brutally captured on the video. What a senseless hate crime. He deserves the full sentence.

Asian American Students Got a Boost

In her research, Dr. Jennifer Lee, a sociology professor at Columbia University, found that “K-12 teachers and schools may actually give Asian Americans a boost based on assumptions about race.” She opines in The New York Times:

A Vietnamese American student I’ll call Ophelia (all names have been changed to protect participants’ privacy under ethical research guidelines) described herself as “not very intelligent” and recalled nearly being held back in second grade because of her poor academic performance. Ophelia had a C average throughout elementary and junior high school, and when she took an exam to be put in Advanced Placement classes for high school English and science, she failed. Ophelia’s teachers placed her, with her mother’s support, on the AP track anyway. Once there, she said that something “just clicked,” and she began to excel in her classes.

“I wanted to work hard and prove I was a good student,” Ophelia explained. “I think the competition kind of increases your want to do better.” She graduated from high school with a grade-point average of 4.2 (exceeding a perfect 4.0) and was admitted into a highly competitive pharmacy program. Ophelia’s performance was precisely what her teachers expected, so they did not have to confront the role they may have played in reproducing the stereotype of Asian American exceptionalism.

Rummana Hussain also has an interesting take on affirmative action.

A Vietnamese Hacker Turned Humanitarian

Koh Ewe, writing for Vice:

Hieu grew up in Cam Ranh, a city in south Vietnam, where his parents owned a small electronics store. He got his first computer when he was 13, and by age 14, the curious teen was already dipping his toe into the world of hacking, inspired by a man he had befriended at a local internet cafe.
