Book Collection: Technical

  1. CSS Secrets, by Lea Verou, unveils the rare power of CSS that allows designers to create stunning visual effects with ease.
  2. DOM Scripting, by Jeremy Keith and Jeffrey Sambells, is a designer-friendly approach to learning unobtrusive JavaScript to enhance the user experience.
  3. Form Design Patterns, by Adam Silver, walks you through 10 different design patterns that focus on the user experience.
  4. HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites, by Jon Duckett, is an absolute beginner’s book for designers who want to learn the basic languages of the web.
  5. JavaScript & jQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development, by Jon Duckett, features pleasing design, clear writing, and comprehensive coverage of the programming language for the web.
  6. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, by David Flanagan, is comprehensive reference for programmers.
  7. JavaScript: A Beginner’s Guide, by John Pollock, is, by far, the most approachable and practical book on learning JavaScript.
  8. jQuery: A Beginner’s Guide, by John Pollock ,is for anyone who wants to add rich user interaction to the web.
  9. MODX: The Official Guide, by Bob Ray, is a must-have if you develop websites with MODX.
  10. SMACSS, by Jonathan Snook, explains analytical process on CSS categorization.