Jeremy Keith: Going Offline

I implemented service workers on this blog and my web-based books by reading Jeremy Keith’s posts on the subject and modifying his JavaScript file for my own needs. Even though I was able to get service workers to work, I did not understand everything that went into the file.

Thankfully, his latest book, Going Offline, explains the ins and outs of service works in clear, comprehensible details. Jeremy has a gift for not only showing the hows but also the whys. With his vast knowledge of the history of the web and his unbiased assessment of progressive technologies, Jeremy makes a strong, convincing case for service workers.

Jeremy’s technical writing is as superb as always. Similar to his first book for A Book Apart, which cleared up all my confusions about HTML5, Going Offline helps me put the pieces of the service workers’ puzzle together. If you want to turn your website into a progressive web app, which requires HTTPS, service workers, and Web App Manifests, this book is for you.
