Gutted Google Analytics

After many months contemplating, I pulled the plug on Google Analytics last night. Although GA is not as intrusive as other trackers, I no longer want to keep track of my visitors. I don’t know how many of you are reading this site, but I respect your privacy. I have done nothing with the data GA collected and I have not checked my traffic for a long time.

I would love to know my readers (you can contact me any time), but I am also fine not knowing. It’s a personal blog after all. I write what I want to write and you read what you want to read. We can keep our relationship that way. It’s all good.

With all the in-your-face ads and snooping scripts all over the internet, I would like to provide you a place to escape. When you come to my site, you can read and leave. If you enjoy what I write, you can come back. That’s it. I want to help make the web a friendly place to visit again. I also want to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In addition to this blog, I gutted GA on my portfolio site, Vietnamese Typography, and Professional Web Typography. Now you can read and browse these sites without being tracked.
